
Random Password Generator

All Passwords are minimum 8 characters.

Symbol Key:
  • a = @
  • e = 3
  • o = 0
  • s = 5

How to Generate a Password

Passwords include symbols by default. To have no symbols please select the checkbox. To generate a password click the "Generate Password Code" button. Once you are happy with thw password provide you can copy it.

Security of the Password Generator

We cannot guarantee secrecy of Passwords randomly generated with this tool, however this website does use secure HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you see https:// at the beginning of the url in the browser address bar, you'll also see a closed lock symbol indicating secure HTTPS is in use. If everything is operating as expected the communication between this website's server and your computer or device will be secure. So only you (and anyone else looking at your screen) would be able to know your Password. For other information on potential security risks see the Wikipedia entry on HTTPS Security.

Random Pin Code Generator

Pin Codes are 4 digits by default

How to Generate a PIN

Pins are 4 digits by default. To have a 6 digit pin please select the checkbox. To generate a pin click the "Generate Pin Code" button. Once you are happy with thw pin provide you can copy it.

Security of the PIN Generator

We cannot guarantee secrecy of PINs randomly generated with this tool, however this website does use secure HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). If you see https:// at the beginning of the url in the browser address bar, you'll also see a closed lock symbol indicating secure HTTPS is in use. If everything is operating as expected the communication between this website's server and your computer or device will be secure. So only you (and anyone else looking at your screen) would be able to know your PIN. For other information on potential security risks see the Wikipedia entry on HTTPS Security.

The purpose of the survey is to better understand how people view personal IT security. This survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete.


Please tell us a little about yourself.

Gender: Male Female Other

Date of Birth:*


Have you ever been hacked: Yes No
If Yes Please Explain:

The following series of questions ask about your feelings toward your security. Please select the answer that is true most of the time.

Agree Neither
Disagree Strongly
A highly secure password is important.
A highly secure pin code more important than a highly secure password.
I have repeatedly forgotten my pin code and/or password.
I never write down my pin code and/or password.

Do you have any additional thoughts on the topic of the survey?

Thank you for taking the survey. To finish the survey press Complete button below.

Terms & Conditions
